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her every move, although he found he wanted to.
Dreaming lately had left him with one raging hard-on after another. And then, the
dream he had the other night so damn real. He had been touching her, caressing her,
seducing her as she lay against her bed, naked and vulnerable &
He shook this thought away. He had no time for nonsense. He knew how to control his
desires. However, looking at her with her fiery hair blowing in the wind, he was half
inclined to pull over and take her into his arms.
She seemed unaware of his mood. Good he couldn t have her guessing what he was
thinking in that regard. She seemed lost to her thoughts as she studied the passing
scenery. He knew a moment of sheer misery. He was a man that had learned long ago not
to put himself into a position whereby he would end up wanting what he couldn t have.
He would never be normal not in any world. He was not a normal vampire & quite the
opposite. He was not human any longer. He had made up his mind to take the road of
least involvement and hurt &
Yeah, Damon, he silently cursed himself, that s why you can t seem to take your damn
eyes off her & and if you aren t careful, you are going to run your handsome car into
He knew what he needed he damn well knew that in order to get her out of his
system he needed to fuck her &
But that wasn t what he wanted. Taking Nikki Walker to bed might just make it all
worse. Taking her to bed might just intensify what he was feeling, and he couldn t have
that & he just couldn t.
She turned and smiled at him, and he felt something inside burst into flame. He felt a
primal urge to grab at the gold-lit red hair blowing around her stunning face and pull her
to his side. He raced out of the city and reminded himself how wildly improbable their
union would be. She was human, and he was not.
However, all that didn t matter. He had to get her to safety, and he had to teach her
how to protect herself better than she was presently capable of doing. Soon, very soon,
they all humanity would be hit by a growing menace, and he wasn t sure where they
would take the hit first. He only knew that she thought herself so much better equipped
than she really was.
He felt her eyes linger on his face, and he shifted his gaze to hers. She gave him a
rueful smile as she appraised him, and he returned the favor, hoping she had not seen the
heat, the open desire he felt for her.
 What? she asked doubtfully.
 Nothing, slayer & just enjoying the night air.
 Hmmm yes, I like convertibles, and this is nice for a change. She sighed as she
returned her eyes to the passing scenery.  I almost feel & almost not quite, just
almost normal. She turned to him again and studied him.  Why did you let him live?
 John Patrick?
 Yes, John Patrick.
 Because just now & he might be more useful alive than dead.
 How why?
 We will have to wait and see.
 Wait and see what?
 Patience, slayer, is something you need to learn. It might save your life some day.
He saw her open her exquisite mouth, decide against saying anything, and sit back
against her seat, and he smiled to himself. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than
for this drive to continue into eternity where all other matters were inconsequential.
She sat up with sudden purpose and stared at him.  Tell me, Damon & you are a
vampire why would you have any interest in helping humans?
 I like humans, he said lightly, not looking at her.
 Can you not answer me honestly?
 Why do you think that answer dishonest?
 I don t precisely, but I am not a fool there is more to it.
 Just because you call me a vampire doesn t mean I am one in the true sense, he
offered enigmatically.
Both of her eyebrows arched.  Are you telling me you are not a vampire?
 I am telling you that not everything is what it seems to be on the surface. You know
that, you were taught that by your slayer mother, but somehow you have forgotten it.
Her lashes flickered, and he could see that a memory had momentarily diverted her.
However, she returned her attention to him.  Yes, but I get & vampire off your
essence & the slayer in me reads vampire when I see you.
 Is that all you see when you look at me, Nikki, is that all you see?
She considered this and frowned because that wasn t all she saw. There was so much
more, like his scent, which was spicy and touched with the aroma of pine and vanilla
not vampire scent at all and there was something else, something she couldn t name &
He smiled to himself and said off-handedly,  You have quite a bit to learn if we are
going to work together. One of the things you will have to learn is this I don t conform
to the rules you think all vampires fit into, and neither does Deadly Moon.
 She killed my brother.
 So you think but you have no proof, and I will not believe it until she tells me so.
Nikki paused and took a moment. He watched her collect herself and waited to see
what next would filter from her lively brain.
Finally she asked,  John Patrick said you & and that Clara vamp have history. Is that
why you wanted to go to the club tonight?
She had changed the subject entirely, and he was surprised.  Do you mean did I know
Clara was going to be there?
 Did you?
 No & but I hoped.
~ Seven ~
NIKKI CLAMMED UP and turned away to stare into the dark woods bordering the
country road he had turned off onto. The road was winding and poorly lit, but Nikki s
eyesight was slayer good. So, she thought, he hoped to find Clara vamp at the club. Why [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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