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I value this idea very much, and only through my friendship for Frank Lane
would I consent to appear here tonight and give it to you boys.
You're all right Arthur, old kid--you know folks, when we asked Arthur to
appear here tonight, he didn't think he was good enough, but I guess he
proved himself that he was wrong. He's too modest. That's probably why he
isn't married. But, girls, he's willing to listen to reason--ME?--I'm married.
I've LOST my reason--So merrily on we go.
And now a swell trick by a swell fellow. You all met him at the Batavia
Convention. Never was on a convention show, but I expect he'll be on them
all, once he shows his stuff, he's a college man, but as he says himself,
ignorance is no excuse. He's outlived it, and if there's any one smarter than
this lad, show him to me... George, some music, please, and SMART
MUSIC... it's
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Killing Two Birds with One Stone
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EFFECT: The good old "Living and Dead Test" cooked up a little
On the first inside page of a notebook, jot down the numbers 1 to 7
vertically. Ask a spectator to write down beside any one of the numbers the
name of a living person. Repeat this several times, and then request the next
person to fill in the name of a person now dead. Continue to have the other
spaces filled in with the names of living persons and when you glance at the
name at the finish, you are able to determine the name of the party that is
CAUSE: Every effect has a cause and this time it is a lead-propelling
pencil. Secure a hard and soft lead. Break off about three-sixteenths of an
inch from each type, and load them into the pencil as follows: The long,
soft lead first, then the three-sixteenths of the hard lead, and finally the
three-sixteenths of the soft lead. With very little practice, the small pieces
of lead can be ejected when desired.
Hand the notebook and the pencil to three or four people as the pencil is
now prepared. Before offering the pencil to the party who is to write the
dead name, turn the working part of the pencil with the first and second
fingers of the right hand, holding the pencil with THAT HAND ONLY, and
this causes the small piece of soft lead to drop on the floor, and the other
small hard piece to appear in the pencil point.
Repeat this operation immediately after the party has written the dead name
so that the next few writers will be using the soft lead.
Of course it will be an easy matter because the lead being harder causes the
writing to be lighter than the other writings. This is quite a novel idea, and I
know that lots of other tricks can be worked out, using the same principle.
See what you can work out with it.
EFFECT: A different method of presenting the TEST OF THE SWAMI.
Two envelopes, two cards and a red and black pencil. With the red pencil,
jot down three or four thoughts that pop into your mind, briefly. Allow a
http://thelearnedpig.com.pa/magos/books/realmag/018.html (1 of 3) [4/23/2002 2:55:24 PM]
Killing Two Birds with One Stone
spectator to initial the envelope with the same pencil, enclose the card
written on, and seal the envelope. This envelope is handed out for safe
Now project those thoughts with the proper showmanship and ask different
people to call out the first idea that enters their heads. With the BLACK
pencil, write these thoughts on the second card. When completed, have this
second envelope initialed with the black pencil, the card enclosed and the
envelope sealed.
A choice is given of the two envelopes and the one selected opened to
disclose the information written thereon. The other one is also torn open,
the card removed to check against it. Both cards have the same objects
listed and you have successfully demonstrated the art of mind reading.
CAUSE: Again the propelling pencil takes credit for accomplishing this
delightful routine. Secure a red crayon pencil that is painted red on the
outside. Also a black propelling pencil loaded first with a black lead, then
three-sixteenths of an inch of RED lead (these can easily be obtained at any
stationers) and finally three-sixteenths of an inch of black lead.
Actually three cards are used but shown as two. On the lowermost card has
been written (The blank space is so you can fill this in later.):
"Make of Car"...................
Present the experiment as the method to be employed by the police in the
future for broadcasting the information regarding stolen cars. After showing
the cards (2) blank, with the red pencil write in: "Make of Car, and then fill
in beside it any make ear that happens to come into your mind. Continue to
write on the same card, license, number and color, filling in beside each of
them the answers, such as red, License 198765, etc., etc. After "License"
put down the name of a state also. Flash the card to audience and seal in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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