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velop into a new party that will combat the P.A.C. and everything
it represents; that will stand for constitutional government, for
white supremacy and for America. The P.A.C. is a non-partisan
bunch of thugs with an enormous slush fund and without political
principle that will support any communist or communist sym-
pathizer, democrat or republican. The American people are look-
ing to Congress for leadership and they will rally to such a party.
The ultimate remedy is the repeal of the 14th and 15th
Amendments to our National Constitution, and the limitation
of the 16th. The 14th and 15th were adopted immediately follow-
ing the Civil War and in a spirit of retaliation. Thos. J. Norton,
in his book, "The Constitution of the United States," says (page
"New Jersey ratified the Fourteenth Amendment on
Sept. 11, 1866, and attempted on March 27, 1868, to
rescind its action; and in January, 1868, Ohio attempted
to rescind its ratification of that Amendment, which
was given on January 11, 1868. . . . Oregon tried to
withdraw its ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment.
. . and New York undertook to withdraw its ratification
of the Fifteenth Amendment."
How grievously New York and the country have suffered as
a result of this failure. The State and City of New York have
been ruled by corrupt political parties and alien minded officials
much of the time since. And New York, through its large con-
vention and electoral vote, dominates the democratic party
which is primarily responsible for our two destructive wars.
Obviously all states that have been admitted since the Civil
War have not voted directly upon these amendments, and the
rebellious southern states were then ruled by carpet-baggers
and were not permitted to vote. Our states are now loyal mem-
bers of the Union and we are threatened with debasement of
our citizenship through repeal of our segregation laws. We
should be given that opportunity.
The people of the North, East, and West now know the evil ef-
fects of the 14th, 15th and 16th Amendments, as well as the people
of the South. Give the American people a chance to repeal them
and thereby save our republic. If they are repealed it will ipso
facto abolish the P.A.C., the F. E. P. C, etc., and the Pendergasts
and the Hannegans and corruption in elections; and communism
and the election and appointment of communists and aliens to
The Zionists have corrupted our press, radio, cinema, colleges,
universities and government, and have betrayed us into two de-
structive wars. We must disfranchise them or banish them, and
disfranchisement is the just and humane remedy.
The Sixteenth Amendment should also be repealed or limited
to a maximum income tax rate of 25 per cent. It has discour-
aged private enterprise and is responsible for great extravagance
in government. Give the people a chance to vote on these vital
measures and to purify our government and return it to its
ancient mooring, our National Constitution as written by our
founding fathers. We have undermined it by these latter day
amendments, and through the 14th and 15th have admitted
aliens in our government who now threaten its destruction.
New York, Ohio and Oregon sought to withdraw ratification
of the 14th and 15th Amendments but the United States Supreme
Court held that they could not do so. But we can repeal them
by following the procedure prescribed by the constitution and
should do so. Indirectly, both our world wars are due to the rule
of our country by alien political gangsters.
After you have read this booklet and have compared the truth
as stated in it with your own observation and experience, it is
easy to lay it aside and say to yourself, "It is all very true and
somebody ought to do something about it, but there is nothing
I can do." There is something you can do and you owe it to your
family and to Christianity to do it and to do it now. It is true that
there is nothing either you or I can do alone, but there are
enough of us to save our government acting together. We are con-
fronted with all kinds of communist secret organizations with de-
See Constitution U. S. page 171
ceptive names seeking to destroy this government; and all are
well financed.
We must organize and finance a society that stands primar-
ily for constitutional government, for the open shop, for white
supremacy and for the repeal of the 14th, 15th and 16th Amend- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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