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polysyllabic words that seemed to him to be
They have greater expression when they
educated words. But, when speaking and
make contact with each other. There are
communicating - especially as a therapist,
many forms of  sub-human expression.
there is a principle called K.I.S.S. which
There's not much you can do with those
means, Keep it Simple, Sweetheart!
people, except keep doing what you are
We respond best to words we know best, doing.  Good morning. How are you
words that we learned at an early age and today? Fortunately not everyone is that
that we experienced most often. The more way. There are enough people who are
often a word has caused a response in us the aware of their obligation to respond in kind.
more energy it has to generate an even The person who grunts and nods has no
stronger response. awareness of social responsibilities, and
because of that you
Focus on your
don't really need
appearance, listen to
much social
your speech
interaction with
patterns, use your
them because you're
cassette player,
going to be  short-
record your voice
changed in every
when you sit and
transaction with
talk to your mate, or
them. If they short
your friends. Listen
change you in the
to yourself later and
greeting, what will
you'll discover how
they do in a
you sound. Do it
regularly and you
will decontaminate
your speech. The next level is just slightly above the
BECOMING A SOURCE OF ENERGY animals. Those who reply,  O.K. What
does  O.K. mean? It means  not so bad or
You've got to change not just the way
 not so hot - I didn't ask how they were not.
you look, and the way you sound, but what
you are saying. Once you do that, you will Now we come to those who give you one
start being seen in a new way. The greeting word as a reply.  How are you today?
ritual is one of the basic repetitive ways that  Fine. It means,  I have to say something
we make contact with others.  Hello, how so I'll get it over with as quick as I can, with
are you today? the least expression I can, because they
asked me.
Let's examine the variety of ways that
people respond to this ritual. Some people Then there's the opposite type. These
respond in a  subhuman manner. They people, when you ask how they are, hear it
don't greet each other with words, they just as an invitation to discuss with you the state
nod when walking along the hall. One goes, of their mental, physical, emotional health
 Huh, and the other goes  H-m! That problems.
means,  Something just went by me, I'm not
 Good morning, how are you today? expectantly so that they know you are
waiting for their response. You are going to
 Terrible, all my sinus cavities are
look at them and wait for a reply and if they
blocked. I had a fight with my wife before I
keep walking you are going to stop.
left this morning and on the way here some
idiot bashed my fender. You are stuck with There is a percentage of people who
his long story. By the way, unless it's your have enough social responsibility and
employer or someone you don't want to enough awareness to respond by saying,  I
offend, if you are standing and listening to am 'whatever ' but half of them won't ask
that long story without finding a way to get you how you are. They are people who have
away quickly, it usually means that you are difficulty relating straight across to anyone.
on the same frequency. You are just waiting Their view of the world is  you are either
for them to get through so that you can above me or beneath me. By only telling
dump your psychic garbage right back on you how they are, and by not asking back
them.  Well, you think you've got troubles - they have said,  See, you are lower than I
listen to what happened to me. You should am. You feel a need to ask me but I am not
not be interested in their tales of woe. If you going to ask you. If they do not ask you,
start cutting it short by saying  That's too they feel  one-up.  I expect you to ask me,
bad, I've got to rush maybe they'll get the but I'm not going to ask you because I really
message that those things are not to be don't care.
shared with others, unless they are people
Finally we get down to that percentage
who have a reason to be interested.
of people who will say,  I'm fine and how
I am going to give you an assignment are you? Smile again, increase your
and if you do it often enough, it will become volume and your answer is  I'm won-
a habit, and if you will make it part of your derful, thank you.
life you will begin to transform yourself.
As you see someone coming towards
Many will find this difficult at first
you, do the following things. First  Initiate!
because it is a change and we are reluctant to
- don't wait for them to start. Remember,
initiate and maintain change. We feel
 My world begins with me and my action.
strange doing something new. For those of
Don't wait for them to take an action so that
you who have a fear of criticism, the thought
you can respond. As soon as you get within
may come,  What will they think of me.
earshot reach out so that you can make
They may think that I am some kind of freak
contact with them.
saying 'wonderful' like one of these positive-
As they are coming towards you put a thinking crazies.
pleasant look on your face, even when you
Some people may even stop talking to
are feeling unpleasant. We can still smile
you, and that can be a blessing. The ones
even if we don't feel very happy. A smile
who want you to stand there while they
could indicate internal feeling or it could be
dump on you will begin to detour around
a ritual, and no one stops to figure it out. A
you, they'll even say to others,  I can't stand
smile is always seen as a good sign.
talking to him, I don't know what got into
You are going to smile and then say, him but all he wants to do is to give out that
 Good morning. How are you today? Make  positive stuff.
eye contact, hold the smile and stay poised
A few years ago, a woman started a self-
hypnosis class and was thrilled and delighted She gave me various weak and irrational
with it. The next week after class she came excuses so I said,
to me and said,  I have this friend who is so
 If you are depressed I don't understand
terribly depressed, she won't even think
why you didn't come back here - where will
about coming here. I've tried to get her to
you go? Will you start looking in the
come here, but she said 'Oh, no. It wouldn't
newspapers for funerals to attend? There is
help me' and finally she said, 'I don't have
something that you are not saying and I'd
any money. '
like you to say it to me. I stung her and
Finally, the student told me that if I were made her angry enough to reply,  The reason
to telephone her friend, she thought that I I am not coming back to that place is every
could persuade her. I told her that time I open my mouth there is one of those
Professionals don't call people and solicit people, trying to shove that positive thinking
them as clients. junk right down my throat. Then she hung
up on me. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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